Location: 6014 College, near Claremont
Hours: every day 7am-7:30pm
Java: $1.75 (house coffee, organic, fair-trade) - $4.25 (large honey vanilla latte)
Goodies: $1.50 (Russian tea cake) - $2.75 (giant fudge brownie)
Breakfast: $1.25 (plain bagel) - $5.50 (egg and sausage bagel)
Lunch/Dinner: $0.60 (falafel) - $5.95 (specialty sandwiches)
Credit cards: yup yup ($5 minimum)
WiFi: Ask and you shall receive. For free!
Power outlets: Bountiful. Surge strips and everything!
Bathroom: Exists!
Seating: The gamut. Authentically vintage, shabby, variously-orange-colored chairs by a bright yellow wall with gorgeous sunset photographs. IKEA-esque neo-Victorian easy chairs by a charming brick wall. A sort of church pew with small marble and iron tables. In the back, your usual run-of-the-mill cafe tables and chairs.
Music: A full Zoe Deschanel album, followed by some Bob Marley. The continuity of hearing whole albums was good for the productivity vibe. The fact that it was all feel-good music didn't hurt either.
Ambient noise: Everyone here seemed to be on a solo work-mission. I honestly didn't hear anyone talk except when they were ordering.
Temperature: It was 90 degrees outside today, so it was a bit warm inside, but not nearly as bad as at the Beanery the other day. Front and back doors were propped open, and there are a couple of ceiling fans in the back.
Parking: Paid parking on College, or the usual side-street-except-on-cleaning-days situation.
Bicycle parking: Plenty--there's even a full bike rack at the bike shop across the street.
Biggest pro: I don't know if I can choose just one! I really dig the ambiance. I feel like I'm sitting in a friend's living room.
Biggest con: It could almost be *too* comfy, if I were trying to do really intense work.
Recommended for:Working, a snack or lunch, meeting a friend
Not recommended for:Writing a paper--you'll enjoy sitting here, the free WiFi will provide ample distraction, and it will therefore take you forever to accomplish anything.
I walked in here and decided instantly that it is my new favorite place. From there, Spasso continued convincing me that it is my favorite place. Looking at the menu, S'mug Bastard and I were temporarily stunned. Eventually S'Bastard broke the silence to say "I think we should keep coming back here until we've tried everything."
There's a modest (but tasty) selection of baked goodies, lots of Mediterranean food, smoothies, and a few other specialty drinks. On this uncharacteristically hot day, their fresh iced teas looked wonderful and didn't disappoint. The raspberry variety was sharply fruity, without tasting sweet. Perfect. The rose water quencher lived up to its name, with wonderfully delicate color and flavor. There are even neon-colored straws to enhance your sipping experience.
For lunch I ordered a babaganouch sandwich, which was good, but not stellar. Thin, unmemorable wheat bread, with delicious purple olives, fresh and flavorful avocado slices, and mildly garlicky babaganouch. It would have worked better as a wrap, mostly for logistical reasons. S'Bastard opted for a curried chicken turnover. "It was actually a giant, oversized pirozhok." Survey says that it was tasty, but it was nuked in the microwave, so the bottom got a bit soggy.
The photos in the link make Spasso look sleeker than it is. It's far more charming than all that. Like S'Bitch told 'ya, the front half is like chilling in your very stylish (but thrifty) friend's living room. The back is trying very hard to make you feel like you're in some tropical location, with bright yellows and oranges, skylights in a raftered ceiling, foliage real and fake, and one giant wall mural. Also, a glass display case full of variously exotic tea pots, textiles, and anything else they felt like throwing in there. Quite possibly trying a little bit too hard, but it's cute.
Another plus (my tangent for the day) is that directly across the road, you find TranSports, an running/swimming store where you can buy these:

I am very excited about these. It's like being barefoot at all times, only you can still get service as long as you keep your shirt on! (Note to self: do an experiment. Find out if I can get service while wearing nothing but these and a shirt.) TranSports has a whole bunch of different Five Fingers shoes. These ones are leather, and will from now on be my dress-shoes. But there are sporty-lookin' ones in all colors! Some have cushioning kinda like a running shoe, and some genuinely try to make you feel like you have naked feet. And anything that makes one feel a little bit more naked is a good thing in S'Bitch's book.
Addendum from S'mug Bastard: Shortly after the Zooey Deschanel (She & Him) album ended, there was a shift change behind the counter, and the new barista put the album right back on. Which was a bit too much pitchiness for me in one afternoon, but that was my only complaint about the whole Spasso experience. And I think it's safe to assume they normally have more than two albums in their repertoire. :)